This is your portal to purchasing products proudly manufactured in America. We do not take a premium from you. Rather, we look to charge the manufacturer a nominal fee to be listed here. This helps us connect the manufacturers with you, the buyer of American-made products.

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Why Buy American?

We're not powerless in promoting a strong American middle class and manufacturing base. There are great products made right here in the USA, even if we don't always see them on our store shelves. Don't wait for politicians to create an environment in which American manufacturing can thrive again. It's our choice to buy American. Let's make it happen ourselves! More about American-made products »

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Welcome to our newest listing, The Steady Hand

Welcome, The Steady Hand, to the family !

Americans looking for American Made

Americans are speaking loudly.  They want American made !


There are about 250 million Americans of age 18 and over. If every adult purchased just $50 worth of USA-built products, we’d generate $12.5 billion for our own economy. That translates to good American jobs.